It’s always flattering when a fellow artist choose you to be their photographer. This is the art world’s equivalent of an educated consumer and it makes one feel like a Cadillac of his craft.
Cake: Made in Heaven Cakes
Dress: Francesca Miranda
Shoes: Jimmy Choo
Caterer/Flowers: Creative Concepts New York
Band: Alive n’ Kickin’
Reception: Angel Orensanz Foundation
Ceremony: St. Anthony’s of Padua
Hair: Sarah Abruzzo
Makeup: Laura Nadeau
Something about bikes that muses me up.
…and killer heels!
Scott/Mark, love that I’m seeing you guys everywhere!
I prefer the subway over a limo, anyday.
Yum. Texture.
…have I mentioned that I love killer heels?
Christina’s mum is so cute
It’s the little things like kisses to the nose and shoulders that I love
Girl got guns!
I think if you incorporate a bike into a shoot, there’s a high likelihood of being on the blog. JUST SAYING!
Love the male reaction to this.
Hahah! Love!
What’s better than brick? Brick with Graffiti!
A hidden little gem stone in the LES
Yup…that moment when red wine gets spilled on both the bride & groom. =)
It’s a part Filipino wedding, of course they’ll be some karaoke.
It was more like a concert.
….that’s all folks.