We traveled half way around the world, to feel at home all over again. =)
Crucial for comfort when doing tea ceremony.
Love the accent of the T’s.
Michelle’s super cute parents.
Like a BOSS.
Listening closely to Jason singing.
I believe that was a written declaration of Jason’s love for her.
Alvin aka. Brother aka. Groomsmen aka. Wardrobe Stylist aka. Hair Stylist.
Love me a giddy bride.
Also love completely random location shoots.
We decided to do a very HK thing and take pictures in a tram.
Didn’t seem to be a good idea when it started pulling away, and I, almost running into a lamp post chasing it…while taking pictures. Not Advised! Not to mention, Michelle laughing at me while doing so. =)
Love HK Red Cabs.
NYC Benches!
I think Michelle & Jason robbed a bilzillion business cards from all of their favorite restaurants back in NY.
NYC Lamps!
Yeah, you see the theme here? =)
Yeup! Even street signs!
What a way to end the night. =)